Thursday, August 17, 2006


Had to see Paul (the American) off today "sniff sniff" so we visited Krakow. I've been told that going to Poland and not seeing Krakow is like going to Australia and not seeing Kangaroos!

We only saw a tiny bit of what Krakow had to offer, but it was amazing-we went to the main square and I picked up some gifts. Also visited the castle, where I enjoyed watching a toddler chase pigeons. We saw the oldest building in Krakow and drank the best hot chocolate I have ever had, in a coffee shop filled with art. It used to be that if people couldn't pay the bill they would draw or paint something in the coffee shop.

I would like to share with you a legend of Krakow:

Once upon a time there was a Dragon. It was causing problems by eating all the sheep so the King promised his daughter to whoever could defeat the dragon. A poor tailor decided he could do this so slaughtered a sheep, filled it with sulphur and left it for the dragon. The dragon devoured the sheep and because of the sulphur got soooooo thirsty he drank and drank and drank until he EXPLODED! The sheep of the town where safe and the poor tailor got to marry the princess.

I'm not sure they lived happily ever after, we saw memorials to battles and info on the world wars. Today Poland is fighting its share of spiritual battles and the economy isn't too strong. A lot of people leave the country to find better working conditions or jobs in fields they have a passion and talent for. Please pray for wisdom for the leaders of Poland.


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