Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Sunshine is SO GOOD!!

The sun has been shining for two days now (after almost two weeks of grey). It is the greatest feeling!

Despite the gloomy weather ministries have been going well. The past week we have gone bowling with students, had a movie night, the 2nd Baptist Church ran a Pride and Predjudice ball and I had karaoke with my students (it was a great hit!).

I've also had some tough times. It is a challenge to know how to respond when you find out someone you see every week but who never speaks to you (in Polish or English) is fluent in English. I try so hard to use my Polish, even though it is not very good, however Polish people only want to speak if they know they can get it right.

On the other hand a lot of the ladies at Church will now speak to me-even if they are not fluent. I love their company and the insights they give into Polish life. Plus they are really encouraging.

Some interesting things to note:
In the supermarket cereal isle live about 15 sparrows-they are probably trying to escape the winter frost and found somewhere with plenty of food!!!!
I am getting used to smelling like cigarettes. Many people in Poland smoke and some of my favourite places to go to escape the cold and the grey are not smoke free. I try to sit away from the smokers but I still come home smelling of it.

Please pray for the new teachers at the school this year. They are doing a great job but many seem discouraged.


At 9:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One post it's snow and then it's sunshine. Thanks for sharing both the good and the bad. We'll pray for you to all hang in there and see the results.
Love Naomi

At 2:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could see how the smoke bothers you, and it must be interesting having sparrows living in the supermarket - I would have thought that people would just move them out.

Good to hear how things are going

- John


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