Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Prayer request

I continued to be excited by what God has in store-I am having more and more opportunities to talk to my students about Christ and also more opportunities to be an active Church member.
It is 5 weeks until I come home and things feel really different. Like I am in a state of transition. God can do a lot in 5 weeks so please pray I can finish well!!!
God Bless,
Love Keren

Friday, May 09, 2008

Feelings do not equal fact!!!

Life in Poland is good-but it's been a stressful week. Our director is away sick and the team is looking towards next year-at this stage there is no director so the team will be running the school as well as teaching and ministring. Thats a lot of unknowns and change!

Also change is in store for me. My brother is living in China, my younger sister in Japan and my older sister is expecting her 3rd child any day now. Plus my Dad is considering a career change. Who said notng happens in one year!

So I was feeling a little insecure but there is great news-God is constant! The ministries here are awesome and God has good things in store. We just have to trust on God and His timing. I am continually blessed here-materially and spiritually. My relationships with my students just keep getting better and I am able to share Christ with them more and more. Praise God!! What a joy it is to serve Christ in Poland-although it is not always easy. Keep your eyes on Christ. Claim him promises and obey his commands and you will begin to see all the good He has planned for you!

God Bless,