Sunday, January 27, 2008

Happy Australia Day!!

And I am cooking up a storm, Pavlova, ANZAC biscuits and lamingtons! Yum! I had an Australia day party on Friday with my childrens class. It was fun to taste vegemite, listen to the didgeridoo and learn some Aussie words.

The students group ran the Church service last Sunday-it went really well and was enjoyed by everyone. We have another one planned already (well, as planned as you can get in Poland) and we have 2 more outreaches planned with the students group. We also have many ideas for semester two so next Saturday I've organised missions ideas day-so we can pray, discuss ideas and keep excited about the schools mission.

Holidays are in two weeks and I'm nervous as the first week I will be on childrens camp. Probably less than 5% of the people on camp will speak more English than I speak Polish....... my latest mistake was to say my Dad is a tormentor rather than an office worker...... Ooooops!

We had student feedback at the end of last term and apparently I got the best feedback of all the teachers! Wow! That is partly luck (I have great classes-which helps, I doubt I am a better teacher then people who are experienced) but makes me feel confident that I am doing a good job.

Oh, and I got a haircut so am looking more and more Polish!!

God Bless,

Monday, January 14, 2008

Time flies when your having fun......

or when you are working hard! I am already halfway through my yea in Poland and the New Year was a good time to reflect and look back at all God has done in the past 6 months. It was also an opportunity to refocus and decide what my priorities are for 2008. There is so much I can do that I really have to seek God on what is best for me to do. As at home I often spread myself too thin-working at 150% can only last for a little while!

We had some days in the mountains with maximums of MINUS 7 degrees-so I got the chance to try cross country and downhill skiing, toboganing and snow hiking, but now the winter is much milder with maximums of plua 7 and the sn coming out everyday! It is so nice, reminds me of the kind of days we would go ot for picnics on in winter in Australia!

I was meant to be going to Spain for a missions conference this Saturday-however the conference was cancelled. My Bible study group said it is an answer to prayer as the week I was going to be away has already been booked with outreach and Church activities. At Bible study we are writing a doctrinal statement so we can express clearly what we believe. We are also running a Church service on the 20th of January and organising monthly students coffee shop events.

Some REALLY exciting news is that one of my students has started coming to Church! Also I have made friends with a girl from Childrens Club-she seems to be one of the "ring leaders" who others follow so suddenly I find myself interacting with people at Childrens Club. Hername is Asia and she was telling people I am from Africa!! I speak to her in Polish as much as possible but she also understands a little English.

Please pray for me-I often find myself out of league when people confide in me about very serious life issues. All we can do is leave it at the foot of the cross. Our God is an awesome God!