Friday, July 27, 2007

Alone but not alone!

I have said goodbye to the 12 Americans who have blessed me so much these past 2 weeks. We handed out about 3000 Gospels and definately had an impact on the people of Rabka and some ladies stating at our Villa. They are amazed by the sense of community we had. It is confirming what the Bible says-They will know you by your love for one another.... I was feeling a little lonely this morning but a lady and her daughter have taken me under their wings and we are having a lovely, peaceful day.

As for culture shock-I miss vegetables and fruit, I miss my pillow and I miss being able to be independent. Yesterday I visited Krakow (it was amazing!!) but it took me 3 hours to get home when the trip there was just over 1 hour. I was a little worried that I would end up in another country. But God is good and I got home safely.

I am staying in Rabka another week-in the villa by myself. I have a lovely room with windows on 2 sides. I've got to go as it is almost 5 and people are preparing to close the internet room. I am going to meet my friends by the fountain (the fountains are elephants! So lovely) for some ice cream. I do love the icecream. It is sooooo good!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Another quick update

Handing out Bibles is going well, people are wanting to talk and often will find someone who can speak English so they can communicate with us. The American team also does a mime to music called "The Reedeemer". They have done it near a railway station and in the park and everytime people gather and watch and accept the gospels. Even reading them as we walk away.

On Saturday we visited a concentration camp/museum. It was a powerfull reminder of what man without Christ is capable of and the horrors that many people knew about but where not bold enough tostand up against. God gave me a peace and as we walked around the camp words of hymns came to mind. There are many people who die a spiritual death every day. I pray that people are bold enough (with Gods strength) to stand up and speak out the true hope we have in Christ.

Church Sunday was amazing. It was in both Polish and English and in the evening we all gathered for more fellowship and a bonfire. There was a strong sense of community and the people at Villa Ella (where we are staying) have seen the love and care the team has for each other. It is a powerful testimony.

I have been struggling a little with culture shock this week but nothing too major. Every day brings new blessings so things balance out. Thank you for all your prayers and support!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Short but sweet

I'm not getting a lot of internet acess at the moment but things are going well. Many people are happily receiving the Gospels we are handing out and there are even opportunities to build relationships with people in Rabka despite the language barrier! keep praying,
Love Keren

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

American life in the summertime!

So much has happened since I last wrote...... the Americans have come and we have started handing out Bibles. 2 people stay and pray while the rest go door to door with the Gospel of John. We all know basic Polish and so far have been received well. Please pray for this ministry-we are having great opportunities to build relationships with the people of Rabka.

This evening we where working packing the Bibles and singing along to the Beatles. There is always something happening to laugh at with this group-like Jed accidentally putting salt in my coffee instead of sugar. It tasted like Dutch licorice..... and I am not a fan! We tease each other about accents but there is definitely the feeling of being one in Christ.

I move tomorrow so may have less computer access. At the moment one of the Americans (Stephanie) is staying with me and she is delightful. Doug said that I am a completely different person when there are native English speakers around. Sometimes he says I need to be more extroverted....but not now ;-)

This week has highlighted many different aspects of Christian life-being strong in the Lord, living by grace, Gods glory shining through us and being obedient no matter what. Tonight I talked with the Americans about the need to know Gods love before you can share it! Do you understand Gods love for you??? It is truly life changing.

Till next time

p.s. muffins in tea cups do work!
p.p.s. the strangest thing I've seen so far is a horse drawn lawn mower

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Strange going ons......

Some things here are the same as back home, but some are not...... Like having peaches on pizza!! Today I walked up the mountain and picked wild raspberries and made them into jam! Yum! I then made jam filled muffins but in tea cups because they don't have muffin pans in Poland.

Thursday night I met some of the younger people from Church. I went with Doug as he was teaching them English. They had a visitor from Italy staying with them and we ended up speaking some English, some Polish and some Italian and eating Polish sweets. We laughed so much. Especially when Daniel put on an accent. I thought he sounded Australian and everyone agreed. They said just like Mel Gibson from Brave Heart. Australia is very popular. Probably because it is unique but as it is soooooo far away not many people get to go.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Life in Rabka

So far things have been quiet-probably a good thing as next week will be busier.

My typical day starts with me going for a walk and praying for Rabka and also everyone at home. I then check emails, maybe go for another walk, meet with Doug, have lunch, more walking, more emails....... I think you get the point!

I've met a few friends from last year-it is good to catch up and the look on my face when they realise who I am is classic! I've also met some new people who I meet occasionally on my walks. The people from the stationery shop have invited me to visit every day so they can practise their English.

I phoned home today and it was good to speak to Mum & Dad. Sometimes things here feel like they are dubbed-The people are like the people in Australia and some of the products are the same, just in Polish! Whats different is the shops & buildings and the plants and animals. There are friendly squirrels in the park who play all day and if you are still enough will eat peanuts from your hands. There are also wild raspberries and stinging nettles! Ouch!

Thanks for dropping by my blog,
God Bless!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Love from Poland

Hello from Rabka! I arrived last night but went straight to sleep. I woke up at 9am this mornig-which is great because my sleep pattern is already in the right time zone. Also the weather here is identical to that of Perth when I left. Cold and wet!! The main differences so far are that cars drive on the right side of the road and the language difference.

I had the best week before I left. So many friends and family caught up with me, called and emailed. Mum was amazing with helping me pack. We managed to get "everything I needed to take for a year" packed into only 16kg! After that I was allowed to add whatever I desired and at the airport I still had an extra kg to spare :-)

The flight had it's good points (good movies, fantastic mosturisers and the views coming into Hong Kong where amazing-think dark mountains, thousands of lights from buildings and then the ocean) but it also had some tough moments (loosing essential luggage that you can't replace at airports, a person collapsing on the plane and airports full of people who don't seem to understand English. But it is nice to be back in Poland.

This week is quiet. I am staying with a couple and the husbands English is about one level higher than my Polish which is great as I am learning new words. They go away on the weekend and I will be house sitting and looking after their kitten. Next week the team of Americans come to Rabka for an outreach project and so things will be busier.

Fingers crossed I can work out how to Publish this as all the commands are in Polish...........

Friday, July 06, 2007

Good Bye!

Goodbyes are hard!! Mostly because I am have awesome friends and family and saying "see you in a year" somehow doesn't seem to express how much I love and care for them.

I'm so excited to go, and certain Poland is where God wants me, that there are not many tears-just a feeling of contentment and excitement with a touch of nervousness. Two more sleeps till I fly out.

Good news is I am able to spend my first month in Rabka-meeting with people I saw last year and helping with an outreach project. Also praise God that finances are coming in well. I have enough for 5 months and another couple pledge. 2 months ago I had nothing! God sure meets our needs.