Happy Australia Day!!
The students group ran the Church service last Sunday-it went really well and was enjoyed by everyone. We have another one planned already (well, as planned as you can get in Poland) and we have 2 more outreaches planned with the students group. We also have many ideas for semester two so next Saturday I've organised missions ideas day-so we can pray, discuss ideas and keep excited about the schools mission.
Holidays are in two weeks and I'm nervous as the first week I will be on childrens camp. Probably less than 5% of the people on camp will speak more English than I speak Polish....... my latest mistake was to say my Dad is a tormentor rather than an office worker...... Ooooops!
We had student feedback at the end of last term and apparently I got the best feedback of all the teachers! Wow! That is partly luck (I have great classes-which helps, I doubt I am a better teacher then people who are experienced) but makes me feel confident that I am doing a good job.
Oh, and I got a haircut so am looking more and more Polish!!
God Bless,