Merry Christmas
For unto us is born this day a Saviour, Christ the Lord.
What a great reason to celebrate! In Poland there are three days of Christmas and I enjoyed each one of them! The temprature got down to minus 10 and although it didn't snow everything was white with frost-like the world was dusted with icing sugar. This year was unlike any Christmas I have experienced before. I got to help pick a live tree and to make Polish dishes for the Christmas meal (eaten when the first star rises on Christmas Eve). It was nice to spend Christmas with a family as I got the joy of watching children open their presents and the excitement of new toys.
I got to share in the traditions of 3 different Christian families during the past week and it was a joy that Christ was the center in each of the experiences built up in families over the years. Even when breaking the news to an 8 year old that Santa isn't real we where able to talk about Christ and how he is the greatest gift of all.
As I remember my family and my love for them I remember Gods love for me-which is so great he sent his only son to be born in a manger and eventually die on the cross for our sins so that we might have a personal relationship with God.