Alone but not alone!
I have said goodbye to the 12 Americans who have blessed me so much these past 2 weeks. We handed out about 3000 Gospels and definately had an impact on the people of Rabka and some ladies stating at our Villa. They are amazed by the sense of community we had. It is confirming what the Bible says-They will know you by your love for one another.... I was feeling a little lonely this morning but a lady and her daughter have taken me under their wings and we are having a lovely, peaceful day.
As for culture shock-I miss vegetables and fruit, I miss my pillow and I miss being able to be independent. Yesterday I visited Krakow (it was amazing!!) but it took me 3 hours to get home when the trip there was just over 1 hour. I was a little worried that I would end up in another country. But God is good and I got home safely.
I am staying in Rabka another week-in the villa by myself. I have a lovely room with windows on 2 sides. I've got to go as it is almost 5 and people are preparing to close the internet room. I am going to meet my friends by the fountain (the fountains are elephants! So lovely) for some ice cream. I do love the icecream. It is sooooo good!!